
Submit Your Prayer Request

When you pray for one of the requests below, be sure to click on the I prayed for you button so that we can let the requestor know how many times their request has been lifted up.

Request Title# PrayersSubmitted On 
Urgent0September 22, 2024Details
Backsliding0May 14, 2024Details
Healing 0April 28, 2024Details
Healing 0December 3, 2023Details
Salvation 0August 26, 2023Details
Healing 0June 17, 2023Details
Prayers and Bible0June 12, 2023Details
Healing miracle needed0February 20, 2023Details
Healing miracle needed0February 20, 2023Details
Jason, Michele, Cale & Their Families' Salvation0February 16, 2023Details
Please pray..0February 5, 2023Details
Please pray..0February 1, 2023Details
God’s will0January 30, 2023Details
Salvation 0September 23, 2022Details
Healing Needed 0May 16, 2022Details
Prayer for protection and breakthrough 0March 31, 2022Details


Peter Valentine
Please pray that Lisa's Mom in Boston will go from strength to strength even with her double amputations, that she will find herself unfazed by this development because her Irish Spirit - eclipsed only by the Holy Spirit - will bring her closer than ever to her family and to Jesus Christ.


Ruben C.
Please pray for my return to The LORD. I am deeply backslidden. Please pray for my repentance, healing for my backsliding, and deliverance from any and all satanic strongholds and bondages. Please pray that God softens my heart and helps me through the trials I am going through. Please pray for healing for my body and His protection over me. Also, please pray for The LORD's spiritual and material provision in my life, and that any plans of The Devil and my enemies against me is exposed and confounded.


Pray for me, Dear Jesus, pray to give me a light on my path for Viola Cleo Bradshaw to be free from darkness and death and Illumine my way of peace(Luke 1;79), and pray a salvation prayer for me. Can I have deep peace, and deep sleep and brain healing for mental health? Can you make me whole in Christ? Save the soul fragments from soul rape and spiritual abduction? I need more Jesus in my life. Can you set me free from Satan? Can you lift up my son Eledaa or Elad and Shannon Nicoletta Rogers to health and happiness and pray for the Canadian Government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to have love in his heart and to make wise decisions and for the Queen of England Queen Camilla Rosemary Shand for health and happiness and for world peace, especially the Ukraine? Thank you. JESUS is a great teacher.


I'd like prayer because: Prayers are requested for healing Viola-Cleo Bradshaw. Healing needs include: depression, sleep disorder, insomnia,and for a broken nose, needs peace, and lift up Cordelia Vogel, heal her mind, heart trouble and family tree. Include in the pastor's daily prayers and on your prayer chain and list for 6 MONTHS.


Michelle Brown
Please pray that my family members do not marry or date people who lie and say they are Christians. Pray that they also do not date or marry carnal Christians.


Pray to heal Viola Cleo Bradshaw stroke, mind's eye needs total restoration, her speech is impaired, needs help talking, heal depression, loss, loneliness, hair loss, heal emotional trauma, heal center of consciousness, chakras, heal Akashic records, they need clearing, she needs help talking to herself after suffering a brain aneurysm, send millions of angels and archangel Pahalia, and lift up Cordelia Vogel heal her mind and heart trouble and family tree.

Prayers and Bible

Annette Reddick
How are you doing? I need prayers for my husband David and my health both physically and financially. We both are suffering in those two areas. Prayers for David to be reunited with his twins. Salvation for the Olson family that I am related to, Jeremy, Alvin, who not also needs salvation, but a transformation of his mind, Miriam, and Donna. Better relationship with my extended family. Salvation also and a break from addiction for my nephew Paul who is in prison due to meth, and for my sister Brenda who is a custody battle over her son with her ex. Healing of cancer of Tony, and for my brother Brian and his family as they move to Phoenix. Also, if you have any tracts and bibles, please mail it to me at 515 1/2 30th Ave South #19 Moorhead Minnesota 56560. Thanks and God bless, Annette Reddick PS. For my friend Larry who is healing from heart surgery. Also, for me to be a mother and grandmother figure to someone as I don't and have longed to have for my own. ( I am 52) and for me to be able to take the trips I want and need to take this year. . Salvation also for Sasha prayers for healing for Steve and Jerry.

Healing miracle needed

Viola Cleo Bradshaw Bradshaw
Pray to heal Viola Cleo Bradshaw nasal cavity as it is desperate needs due to brokenness emotional trauma grief lonliness and loss and heal her hair loss, heartbeat trouble, and give her a good night sleep, surround her with millions of angels, and lift up Magdalena Lovejoy to be free from depression have hair growth and a good nights sleep and lift up Cordelia Vogel.

Healing miracle needed

Viola Cleo Bradshaw Bradshaw
Pray to heal Viola Cleo Bradshaw nasal cavity as it is desperate needs due to brokenness emotional trauma grief lonliness and loss and heal her hair loss, heartbeat trouble, and give her a good night sleep, surround her with millions of angels, and lift up Magdalena Lovejoy to be free from depression have hair growth and a good nights sleep and lift up Cordelia Vogel.

Jason, Michele, Cale & Their Families' Salvation

Please, pray for Jason, Cale, Michele, Jacque’s salvation/rededication and for Stacey, Tecla, Marlize, and my relationships with them to grow. Jason and Jacque don't believe God exists. Michele and Cale have wandered from a personal relationship with Jesus. Stacey, Tecla, Marlize, and I want them to come back and to love Jesus with us. Thank you!

Please pray..

Hayeong Shin
Please, pray the following for us(Ha-young, Ye-young, Ui-seop, Jung-won, Hye-ok, Yul-bin, Suzy, Eun-tae, In-sook, Im-hak, Tan-ae, and you) Jesus, forgive our sins and grant us the true freedom you promised. Remove all blinders from our eyes, which you have called the lamp of our bodies, so that when our eyes are clear, our whole body will be filled with light, according to your word. Jesus, even if we stubbornly follow you, no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me should draw them, and just as you said, I will raise them up. All our efforts are in vain if God does not work in us. In John 5:44, it is said, "How can you believe when you receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?" Lord Jesus, we pray that you would give us all the glory that comes from the only true God, not from mere humans. The glory that the Father, who has loved the Son from the beginning, has given to him. May God grant us faith (emunah) and keep us steadfast, so that we may not waver. May he soon bestow upon us the kingdom and enable us to live, so that we may give praise for all that God has done for us.

Please pray..

Ha-yeong Shin
Please, pray the following for us(Ha-young, Ye-young, Ui-seop, Jung-won, Hye-ok, Yul-bin, Suzy, Eun-tae, In-sook, Im-hak, Tan-ae, and you). 1. Jesus, please send us your word directly and quickly fulfill your will. May our personal desires and actions all be aligned with your will. 2. Jesus said that no one can come to the Father except through him. Also, no one knows the Father except anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him. God's son Jesus, we ask that you designate us all as those who directly reveal the Father God, and give each of us your presence, so that we may know the Father God. As a result, we all hope to achieve true repentance and become one with the Father God to achieve completeness. 3. King Jesus, please let your kingdom quickly rule over us all. May we keep your commandments and soon dwell together with all of us. 4. Cast out the evil spirits from us directly with your Holy Spirit, and share with us what we have been robbed of.

God’s will

Ha-yeong Shin
Please pray the following for Ha-young, Ye-young, Ui-seop, Jung-won, Hye-ok, Yul-bin, Suzy, Eun-tae, In-sook, Im-hak, Tan-ae, and for all of you. I want the will of the true God, who knows all our needs, to transcend our personal will. 1??. Pray that Jesus Christ will speak the following words come true to us — 1)“Ask the Lord of the harvest, to send out his workers into his harvest field.” -[Luke? ?10?:?2?] 2)“When someone stronger(Jesus) than he(demon, unclean spirits, = thieves) attacks him, he takes away from him all his armor on which he had relied and distributes his plunder.”[ ??Luke? ?11?:?22? ] 2??.Help us keep the commandments by the will of Jesus Christ and let God’s promised kingdom come. 3??. Pray for Jesus Christ to reveal to us the work of Father God and for that will to be done perfectly and holy. I want that the Son wills to reveal the Father God to us and reveal Him directly to us. 4??. Let us worship Father God in the Spirit and in truth but let us worship not according to a person’s will but solely by the will intended by Jesus.


Lee Gamez
Please pray for Mel to be saved. He is angry and bitter against God and Christians who have hurt him deeply

Healing Needed

Stewart White
Please pray for me. I became sick after receiving the J&J vaccine 9 months ago. Please add me to your prayer list! Thank you. Stewart White

Prayer for protection and breakthrough

Humberto Torres
My prayer request is for protection for Andie Lopez and for breakthrough in our relationship
Thank you for lifting up this request in prayer.